take the long way home

"The time has come and we go our ways, I to die and you to live, which is worse, only God knows." -Socrates

I'm 26, married, 3 year old son, perennial waitress, and "every 19 minutes the place goes crazy"

My favorite diaries:

mathyou profile - diary
comments: funny stuff, good survey responses
artofliving profile - diary
comments: i'm kind of a snooper and her life seems interesting
maika-jane profile - diary
comments: new like me and little with blonde hair
maeve-arie profile - diary
comments: i'm drawn to unusual names and she's the ring leader
snthooligan profile - diary
comments: took my survey, we're both drunks
stelladora profile - diary
comments: chi town lover, and sim-ian
stereosacha profile - diary
comments: do unto others

My favorite music:

Beastie Boys
comments: I can't stand rockin when I'm in this place because I feel disgrace because your'e all in my face
Cypress Hill
comments: Whatta you think, when ya ass gets jacked by a homie who was supposed to have your back?
comments: Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box, they tumble blindly as they make the way across the universe
Wu-Tang Clan
comments: The Ultra-Violet scream machine move your body touch the totem pole, wobble Ark builders, God rush
comments: Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like ambulance drivers

My favorite movies:

LOTR movies
comments: greatest trilogy since Godfather
Ace Ventura
comments: alrighty then
comments: my most quotable move of all time
Royal Tenenbaums
comments: everyone in the cast is awesome and the movie is absolutely hilarious

My favorite authors:

Laurie Notaro
comments: Idiot Girls
John Grisham
comments: i have all of his books
Dean Koontz
comments: cold and creepy
Stephen King
comments: amazing

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last updated: 2005-04-20 04:35:22
this user's total entries: 51
user since: 2004-04-26

AOL IM name: mcrapola
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: martenef
MSN Messenger name: squatter66

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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