Love Is Suicide

my baby likes to shoot pool- i like lying naked in my bedroom

My favorite diaries:

monstrathart profile - diary
comments: this person is a genius and everyone should have the chance to read this diary
greencatfood profile - diary
comments: don't know his name, don't want to
EdgarFrog profile - diary
comments: genius at work-asshole too
girlsmad profile - diary
comments: likes sublime and hates sobriety....i like her
inky-blues profile - diary
comments: i dont know what to say...i wish her the best though
mntpep profile - diary
comments: schwas!
proanarchy profile - diary
comments: suck a fuck you fuckin fuckass
drugzilla profile - diary
comments: who could this be?
dlmdlm profile - diary
comments: every girl should be as lucky as dani
jtolliver profile - diary
comments: saltine

My favorite music:

Smashing Pumpkins
comments: Only the best band in the world. They've inspired me to do everything I've ever done, and I will always love and listen to them like machina never happened
comments: GOD! Could anyone possibly be a better singer than Brad?? No! Why do I fall for the ones I can never have? Sublime is a classic band who can never be put in any category and I love them for it
Green Day
comments: What more can i say?
comments: SoCo, RxB, Starting Line, Get-Up Kids, Whiskey Biscuit, Locale AM, Unsung Zeroes, Maxeen, Audible, Saves the Day, Brand New, TBS, My Chemical Romance, Modest Mouse, so many freakin others
Barenaked Ladies
comments: so underrated

My favorite movies:

The Man in the Moon
comments: No, not Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman, Reese Witherspoon as Dani in her first movie.
comments: Down here, we all float.
comments: I wish I were Nicole and I had a Carlos, and I lived in Malibu, and I were rich, and I never wore a bra.
Can't Hardly Wait
comments: Clueless, Sixteen Candles, Dazed and Confused, Donnie Darko, Over the Edge, Some Kind of Wonderful, Heathers, Elephant, Pretty in Pink, Less than Zero, all teen movies!
Drop Dead Fred
comments: Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Little Rascals

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: IT, Christine, Different Seasons, Firestarter, The Eyes of the Dragon, Sorry Right Number, The Shining, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Ayn Rand
comments: We the Living, Anthem
Wally Lamb
comments: She's Come Undone
Jean M. Auel
comments: Clan of the Cave Bear, Valley of the Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, Plains of Passage, Shelters of Stone
John Steinbeck
comments: East of Eden, The Pearl

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last updated: 2021-02-05 09:55:15
this user's total entries: 451
user since: 2002-02-17

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