Erotica for the well balanced mind

I suppose I should put a warning label on here- Rated R isn't by any means close enough to what you're about to enter here.

Some chapters in the beginning are like taking my first baby steps into understanding my true sexuality. As you move on you see a progressive change in my writing style and expressions. I have discovered some people find some sexual material distastful, that haven't allowed themselves to open up their minds and see the real beauty of love making; whether it to be dominated, sexually tormented, pleasurably tortured, or to just have an all-out fuck fest.

When you open your eyes to the real meaning of love-making, your mind captures the true essence of love...

then it's no longer looked upon as distasteful, but indeed beautiful.

If love could represent sex, then we'd be a constant walking orgasm.

But love isn't just about sex, and sex isn't just about love. Both take encouraging and understanding, one without the other would be almost meaningless.

So, here you won't find a mockery of love-making but adventures in a surreal world of dreams, that are lustful and much, much more.

So, if you can open your mind and enjoy the true meaning of love, then take a step inside .... but don't say you weren't warned.

My favorite diaries:

Herdarlinsin profile - diary
comments: Owner, Author of this site ::::: Master of Leticia :: user-blues- password-anviolets
Preshusthorn profile - diary
comments: Co-owner, Co-author, Designer .. Leticia :::: My Pet Slut, Dominatrix, Submissive
Justdreamery profile - diary
comments: Co-owner, Co-author, Designer ... Leticia ::: Slut, Dominatrix, Submissive ::: Suck me.
Lesbiansex profile - diary
comments: (Character) Teacher ::: "Mistress Jo"
Poetic-kiss profile - diary
comments: (Character) Rianna ::: "Miss Faith" ::: Master of Submissions
Ambiguass profile - diary
comments: (Character) Jessie ::: Submissive/Dominatrix ::: First Encounter/ Temtping Two's
Mestupchick profile - diary
comments: (Character) Alana ::: Submissive/Dominatrix :::: Teach Me
I-am-undone profile - diary
comments: (Character) Stefanie :::: Dominate ::: Wishing for Stefanie
Gaycannibal profile - diary
comments: (Character) Abby :::: Dominate ::: Black Velvet (Locked)
Chickpea981 profile - diary
comments: Master of Sumbissiveness
Elmogirl1983 profile - diary
comments: (Soon to be Character) Tamms :::: Submissive/Exhibitionist/Dominatrix ::: Yummy
Neangel profile - diary
comments: Angel ::: (Submissive)
Ionme profile - diary
comments: J ::: (Submissive)
Lilindamil profile - diary
comments: Jessica ::: (Submissive) :: :: deepdezire
Crystalwalls profile - diary
comments: Lindsey ::: (Student)
Maskedsorrow profile - diary
comments: Kat ::: (Student)
Some-trouble profile - diary
comments: Joanne ::: (Beginner)
Opticheart profile - diary
comments: Dawn :: (Breakable)
Curves profile - diary
comments: Lessons to be learned
I-love-sex profile - diary
comments: Eye candy for virgins
My-serenade profile - diary
comments: (Poetry) "Calling out my lover's name..."

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last updated: 2017-04-12 19:43:26
this user's total entries: 103
user since: 2003-06-11

AOL IM name: Chrissi553
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Yahoo Messenger name: chrissi553
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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