Its all in how you mix the 2

I am Tiffany, a 20 year old from a small town. I got married in June to the most amazing man ever, and he moved from a small town in texas to a small town in California. So this is my story

My favorite diaries:

bharrison profile - diary
comments: My very favorite diary. We have alot in common. I think she was my sister in another life. She is one of favorite people to talk to.
likeashadow profile - diary
comments: I just love her diary. She has be one of the coolest people ever. And she is so pretty. And we have alot in common. She updates often and her diary is one of my favorite.
educ8or profile - diary
comments: locked
supermom3604 profile - diary
comments: I like her alot her diary is always intresting. She is very funny. And her kids are so cute.
cracked-rose profile - diary
comments: She is one of the sweetest people and her diary is very good too.
shattdsoul profile - diary
comments: Good diary
grrl-blog profile - diary
comments: Very interesting, not like other diaries.
lostlabrynth profile - diary
comments: good diary a new read.
cosmopolitn profile - diary
comments: I love this diary and she is so sweet.
alwaysaroura profile - diary
comments: she lives a fairy tale life
spikeswife profile - diary
comments: new read
momma-at-17 profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Used
comments: This is my favorite band.Blue and Yellow is my favorite song, I can connect to them.
comments: They are a new found band to me. I just love them. Everyone should check them out.
New found Glory
comments: I love new found glory they are a really good band.
comments: I have become crazy obsessed with the song "only one" its one of the greatest songs ever wrote.I cant get enough of the Ocean Avenue CD.
comments: I love love love trapt , I also love Simple Plan, The Ataris, Live, Silverchair, Tool, Good Charlotte, A Perfect Circle, New found Glory, Blink 182and more.

My favorite movies:

Dawn of the Dead
comments: Greatest movie ever. I love this movie so much.......... Its a must see for everyone.......
The Butterfly Effect
comments: That was the most crazy movie I have ever seen, I love it.
28 days later
comments: Another zombie type movie
Party Monster
comments: I dont know what it is about this movie but I fuckin love it.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
comments: The old one not the new one. The one from the 70's fucking kicked ass.

My favorite authors:

Lord Byron
comments: I love his poetry. I am a big geek about poetry. My fav is "When we two parted".
Marilyn Manson
comments: "A Long Hard Road Out of Hell" is my favorite book ever. It is great.
William Shakespeare
comments: I love all his work, my favorite is "Romeo and Juliet" I love romance.
Nicholas Sparks
comments: A bend in the road was the best book, I couldnt put it down. I cant wait to read the notebook.

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last updated: 2006-03-06 18:51:39
this user's total entries: 427
user since: 2003-05-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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