teacosy's diary

Once upon a time, there was a shy girl called Claire. She had nothing better to do. The End.

My favorite diaries:

cybersyd profile - diary
comments: One of my best friends. Writing that makes me jealous.
summerkitty profile - diary
comments: Thought-provoking stuff from far up north.
gingerfaerie profile - diary
comments: Ginger. Not a fairy. As far as I know...
shimmyshimmy profile - diary
comments: Lovely-ly written thoughts.
cobwebfaerie profile - diary
comments: 'Seven years of friendship does not neccessarily outweigh one night of conversation with a former stranger.'
angellivia profile - diary
comments: 'How can something be good for you when you break your heart everytime it doesn't go right?'
oly-girl profile - diary
comments: 'I don't like my parents right now.'
michl profile - diary
comments: Graduate goddess.
cassbah profile - diary
comments: 'As I grew up, it became more and more apparent that I didn't look anything like a Princess. But I wasn't deterred; I was still a Princess inside and that's all that mattered.'
sykosarah profile - diary
comments: 'I can't remember who said it, but someone did: "to be human is to be alone." Well you know what? That sucks.'
nutty-kiddo profile - diary
comments: 'Once you're addicted to it, there is no such thing as rehab or AntiProcrasto band aids to smack onto your forehead. If you're a procrastinator, you will always be a procrastinator.'
savied profile - diary
lazinger profile - diary
bizzarro profile - diary
comments: 'I really am evil. Not in the good, cool, I'm going to take over the world kind of way.'
greenwhimsy profile - diary
loner-blues profile - diary
asphyxiate-d profile - diary
eandme profile - diary
comments: 'I saw the moon frown.'
bo-bean557 profile - diary
comments: 'Dear Diary, I'm drinking my second can of redbull. I feel like a psycho. My eyes are open really wide and I can't make them smaller.'
shiloh26 profile - diary
pink-angel- profile - diary
loca-banana profile - diary
KinkyLinny profile - diary
eddiedog profile - diary
comments: One of my best friends. Pleasantly suprised to find it's a really good read. Recommended.

My favorite music:

Thea Gilmore
comments: Singer-songwriter, whose songs are simplistic and beautiful and whose lyrics read like poetry.
Tom McRae
comments: This mans voice makes me melt.
Barenaked Ladies

My favorite movies:

comments: This is just a whimsical, lovely film, and my favourite one. Perfect for rainy Sunday evenings.
The Usual Suspects
comments: Do you have to ask? Tingles! Tingles down my spine!
The Fugitive
comments: To paraphrase Chandler from Friends: "Run, Harrison! Run like the wind!" And Joe Pantoliano's in it, which frankly is reason alone to watch.
The Fellowship of the Ring
comments: Better than the 2nd one.
comments: Never fails to make me feel better.

My favorite authors:

Phillip Pullman
comments: "His Dark Materials." Oh. My. The level of imagination in them, and the scale and complexity of the plot is amazing.
JK Rowling
comments: Yeah, me and everyone else in the world, right...?
Truman Capote
comments: Beautifully written things about beautifully thought-out characters.

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last updated: 2007-08-13 15:46:14
this user's total entries: 338
user since: 2003-08-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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