I'll think about that tomorrow...

Things I love: books, music, reality TV, movies, flowers, and rain. I also fall down a lot.

My Current "List":

Joaquin Phoenix

Cillian Murphy

Zach Braff

Pharrell Williams

Blake McGrath


My favorite diaries:

weetabix profile - diary
comments: Great writer from the land o' cheese
trancejen profile - diary
cruel-irony profile - diary
comments: Do not use for storage, indeed. (I cringe whenever I think of the rat)
unclebob profile - diary
comments: heh.
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: Update, Leroy, Update!
sundry profile - diary
comments: now at sundrymourning.com for your reading pleasure.
mare-ingenii profile - diary
twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: A lot of my favorite diarists all in one spot!
bonkrood profile - diary
nitpick profile - diary
comments: She is the CAT FIGHT CHAMPION!!
lerin profile - diary
comments: Just found her...trying to catch up!

My favorite music:

comments: Except for that Yellow song. That one works my nerves.
Dave Matthews Band
comments: However, I like him equally well without his band.
comments: An old school favorite.
Snoop Dogg
comments: Not really a band, but I had to put him somewhere
comments: Makes me wish I had a mullet. No, not really.

My favorite movies:

Gone With The Wind
comments: Love it!! Best. Movie. Evah.
Mean Girls
comments: Rachel McAdams plays SUCH a good bitch.
The Village
comments: Joaquin Phoenix is on my List.
Bridget Jones' Diary
comments: and the sequel too.
Bring It On
comments: Don't judge me. Also, don't be a cheertator.

My favorite authors:

Janet Evanovich
comments: Funny!
Jacqueline Mitchard
comments: Always look forward to her books.
Janet Fitch
comments: Loved White Oleander.
Sue Grafton
comments: As much as I hated to cut Billie Letts from the list, I needed to make room for Sue. You're still my girl Billie!
Luanne Rice
comments: I've never read a book of hers that I didn't like.

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last updated: 2008-04-27 03:57:20
this user's total entries: 75
user since: 2005-09-28

AOL IM name: violetpoppy76
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