I Want Plumtree Back

I used to have what I once considered an exciting life. Those who have stuck with me probably have noticed a remarkable fall from prosperity. So if you're looking for tales of misery, boredom, and long winded-ness, you're home!

I don't want to offend anyone. If you'd like me to add you to my list, just tell me, please! Within reason, of course.

My favorite diaries:

kissacod profile - diary
comments: Sandy/Sandra can stay at #1... Sure!
halfsaid profile - diary
comments: I enjoyed our guestbook rapport. She's busier lately.
doublebeat profile - diary
comments: She used to run a Sloan site, too. I think that's her. Quality!
stereogirl profile - diary
comments: Just to repeat, she reads a lot... unlike your narrator here.
breadisdead profile - diary
comments: These comments are getting inane, but I like her energy.
mangofarmer profile - diary
comments: She posts like a lot. I mean, like, 58329 times a day!
elincognito profile - diary
comments: Shhh, it's incognito...?
unluckyme profile - diary
comments: Remember that Pokemon-themed wedding or something?
fineskylark profile - diary
comments: Someone who reads all the way through?! Rhi is awesome.
kiz profile - diary
comments: I don't think she smokes anymore. Where is the kiz?
dweezil profile - diary
comments: "cartoon boys with glasses are hot" Amen.
woweezowee profile - diary
comments: Fellow "Underwhelmed" person. Where'd she go?
waldo profile - diary
comments: Retired sorta, but I notice her d-land is still active.
lolashowgirl profile - diary
comments: Alright, alright. So she's not gone! But still pret-ty busy!
unemployed profile - diary
comments: Maybe she'll return. We had some funny IMs way back.
ltetrovsky profile - diary
comments: Wow. People still discover other people's d-lands.
yay profile - diary
comments: Go me.
hall of fame! profile - diary
comments: airguitar, sassyspice, chloedreams, upcountry, witepoptrash, jello-baby, cheeky-miuko, youmeandit, fizzwizard, misscue, prettyskinny, lynnzy, killthemoon, motherlode, upcountry, rivers

My favorite music:

comments: One of life's goals is to follow them on tour for a month-ish
The Sheila Divine
comments: They trust ME to handle their videos?
comments: If I ever got rich, I'd pay millions to put them back together
Dismemberment Plan
comments: The 4th band on my list that recently broke up. Dammit all.
Thrush Hermit
comments: Also: Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, Weezer, Wilco, uhh Donnas?

My favorite movies:

comments: Don't get nasty, brother.
Chungking Express
comments: Do you like pineapple?
Wayne's World
comments: I don't even own a-gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?
The Royal Tenenbaums
comments: The gentleman in the blue cardigan, please.
I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
comments: Pajama day?

My favorite authors:

James Joyce
comments: You know, I really haven't read anything at all in a long time.
Stephen Manes
comments: I dare you to find "Chicken Trek." Probably why I like things that are absurd. Totally 3rd grade. And out of print.
Bible People
comments: Still a good read thousands of years later. Even if I don't read anything at all in a long time.

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diaries which list yay as a favorite diary
last updated: 2016-05-27 03:19:38
this user's total entries: 1566
user since: 2001-05-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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