10:08 p.m./2004-07-08

Very Very Tired !

I'm pretty much letting the pictures speak for themselves... I'm about to go to bed and enjoy my Vicodin and pray this new medicine (Silvadene) makes my legs beautiful again. *sigh*

What we did� in summary form� :

Friday - Arrived on beautiful Okaloosa Island and sat around enjoyed the scenery and went hot tubbin'

Saturday - More sitting around. Went down to the beach and walked miles and miles of beautiful sand. More hot tubbin'

Sunday -� Enjoyed the 4th of July fireworks and spent the day walking and playing in the sand. Built sandmen and castles with Seth. So much fun!

Monday - Walked a few miles with my dad and Adam. Gathered shells and just enjoyed each other. Went kayaking with Adam, my brother and his wife. Took the kids to the Gulfarium and then took them to FudPucker's to eat.� Acquired second degree burns to my legs due to the kayaking... the blisters didn't start showing until we were at FudPucker's.����������������

OUCH! (Pictures below but fair warning... they are gross)��

Tuesday -� Sat around with my feet propped up and gazed out the patio at beach.

Wednesday - More sitting around wishing I could play in the sand.

Thursday - Sweet Home Alabama... although I can't wait to go back next year I will remember to put sun block EVERYWHERE! next time.

The ones of the beach are from our condo on the 5th floor and the ones of the marine life were taken at the Gulfarium in Destin FL.

! Warning !

These are gross but I'm posting them anyways to remind you people to wear sun block cause this shit hurts!!!!!!!!

Scroll down if you want...

!� Last Warning� !

Thinking : We take walking for granted way too often.

Hearning : 8 Mile (in the background)

Loving : Vicodin

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