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2005-04-11 - 10:59 p.m.

Book III, Chapter Three, Part One

Brynn liked all of her new classes and professors. One in particular peaked her interest right from the start. On that first day, as the professors often did, he gave the class a little background about himself, and he mentioned that his wife was very talented, and in fact, had made the sweater he was wearing from the wool of their very own sheep.

Brynn approached him after class and had a discussion with him about sheep and what one could do with their wool. She had been increasingly interested in the craft since she�d received the sweater as a Christmas gift. The professor told her that his wife would be more than willing to talk to her about the topic some time, and after that, he spoke to Brynn regularly. He had a vacation home in Scotland, twins the same age as Marie, and adoration for his wife that Brynn appreciated.

He mentioned several times that Brynn should meet his wife, and he was so pleasant that she was sure his wife had to be nice. Brynn mentioned to Mark one night that she would like to invite them for dinner.

�Did you consider, and I hope it�s not the case, that they might be using you to get to the Larks?� He asked gently.

�Of course, I have to consider that any time someone shows me a kindness,� Brynn replied, not hiding her dismay too well. �And I guess I can never be certain, but I think he�s sincere.�

�Why don�t we invite them to go out to dinner rather than have them in our home, at least until we know them better?� Brynn agreed, but she realized Mark didn�t trust her judgment.

�Come along with me when I do the show, will you?� Mark requested of his wife.

�I won�t go on,� she said more like a question.

�No, not unless you�d like. I�m sure they would love it. Brynn McNeil speaks and all that.� He rested his hand on Brynn's knee. �No, I�d just like you to go with me. You can wait backstage.�

There were hundreds of fans standing about the television studio, hoping to get a glimpse of Mark. There wasn�t enough security to hold them if they decided to rush, and Brynn was anxious. Mark held on to her hand as he waved to the fans, and several held out the items they wanted autographed over the blockades. Mark stopped to sign a few while Brynn tried to hide behind him. �Sorry,� Mark called. �Have to go now.�

The couple was escorted in and taken to a room. Mark�s name was on the door. The room had a TV monitor, a vanity, and a sitting area with a sofa and a chair. On the coffee table was a bucket of ice with sodas, a large basket of fruit, and a large flower arrangement with Mark�s name written neatly on the card. They were left alone in the room.

�Who else is on the show?� Brynn asked.

�I believe an American actress and some comedian.�

The host, Robert Morgan, came in to greet Mark. They recalled that they had met once before at a club in �68. Mark introduced Brynn

�Ahhh, the wife.�

�It�s a pleasure to meet you, Robert.� Brynn said politely. �I�ve enjoyed your show.�

He turned to Mark, and with great animation exclaimed, �She spoke!� Brynn and Mark feigned amusement, glancing at one another. �Well, you are quite lovely, aren�t you? It�s very good to meet you although I must say I�m a bit disappointed. I thought Mark had acquired what all men dream of� a beautiful woman that�s speechless.�

Brynn shrugged, not revealing her annoyance. �Sorry,� she chirped.

�Well, I�d fancy you joining us on camera.�

�No, thank you. I�ll wait here.�

�I won�t make you perform or ask you any probing questions.�

�I�ll pass,� Brynn told him firmly.

Next, a woman came in to dust the shine from Mark�s face, and a man entered to conduct a pre-interview. He asked Mark if there were any taboo topics. �Too many to list, I�m sure. Just ask him to keep it light, and remember to mention the LP.� Mark would go on first. They took his guitar to place in a strategically hidden place. He would not perform on stage but would play a simple number from the guest chair.

Brynn and Mark watched the opening of the show on the monitor. Brynn could see that her husband was getting a little nervous. The producer came in to fetch him, and he patted his wife�s knee, kissed her quickly, and left.

She watched the introduction, heard the audience go wild, and out stepped Mark, looking confident, relaxed, and handsome. The audience gave a standing ovation, girls screamed, and Mark smiled and waved at those in the balcony, graciously receiving the worship. When he was seated, he thanked the fans, told the host that yes, he loved the adulation and would never grow tired of it. The host asked about what a normal day was like with such extraordinary fame. Mark made light of the inconveniences and portrayed himself as very normal.

I met your very lovely wife, Brynn, backstage.�

Mark nodded. �She is, isn�t she?�

�And just so everyone knows, for the record, she does speak.�

Mark smiled, playing along. �Yes, she�s just a very private person.�

�How long have you been married?�

�Three years now.�

�And things are still going strong?� Robert said teasingly. Mark nodded. �You have three children, don�t you?�

�Yes, three little ones, knee high. They are a lot of fun.�

The host asked him about his friendship with the other Larks, and they segwayed into the latest album that Mark was promoting. Out came the guitar, and the audience cheered again. Mark sat forward and played a simplified acoustic version of the group�s latest hit.

Brynn watched it on the monitor, charmed like all the other girls, smiling to herself when he spoke, enchanted when he sang.

Mark was not staying for the next guest. The crowd outside was much larger . Brynn was afraid to go out, and Mark requested that some police were called in. It was another 40 minutes before they left the building.

�Thank you for coming along,� Mark told her.

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