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2021-09-04 - 6:48 p.m.

Random Things I replied to in a nice way

Someone who is bad mouthing my Dad and says something, I say “I thought he just sent you $4000 this month to help you out.” (Even though they are the reason why in their 70s they have nothing. You put in nothing, you save nothing AND bad mouth my parents as they didn’t live full life like you did.
They outright owned their home, vehicles, properties and didn’t & still don’t have to worry about mortgages, car payments and any other bills that aren’t part of a daily life.

Someone who uses me as a sounding board and says stuff to me like just do this and that, like telling me to give up on something.
I replied to them the same way and they were like “why would you tell me to give up” and I replied “Oh why I am only saying what you have said to me”.

I was on the phone with a family member and this guy in the car lane pulls up next to me. He wanted to talk to me. He then proceeds to try and tell me where I need to park, that I was in the wrong line and holding others up. I was like “This is where the office has told us to start the car line for the high school. He still proceeds to tell me what to do and that I was in the wrong. I looked at him and said “If you have a problem with how this is then you should talk to the office about it, I was TOLD to start here and I was the first one for the high school line, you are beside me to go up in the line there, like I said talk to the office if you don’t like how they do it”. The person I was talking to was like “Wow, he was really trying to tell you what to do” and I was like yup and I am following what the school has told us to do.
Then that line starts moving and the people in the line next to me then started to pull up and move as the school has set it up to move. There were even cars behind him. Then he starts to rev up his truck to a loud level.
The person I was talking with, was like what is that and I was like that was the man that was trying to tell me what to and now he has started to rev up his truck and he is right next to the front offices.


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