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2004-09-04 - 10:29 a.m.

My mom replaced my burned out hard drive with her back-up for my birthday. Perfect timing too because Adam is moving back to Washington in a week and I am staying here in Missouri. He made the decision just a week ago and it took me completely by surprise. He hates it here and wants to go home...he hates this place, not me. He says I still the love of his life and he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. For now it will be 2,500 miles apart.

It will be an interesting experience living completely on my own again for the first time in eight years. Adam and I have lived separately before in our almost six years, but besides for about eight months, I've lived in communal living situations since I first struck out on my own at seventeen. I am a little anxious, but there are certain aspects I can already see I will like to living a solitary life rather than searching for a room mate I don't work with.(which isn't allowed per company policy) Change is an opportunity for growth. I know I'll be sad when he leaves, and maybe angry...feelings which I am completely repressing until I can be alone with them instead of messing up the time I still have with him....but I know I will be okay. Better than okay after the initial shock wears off.


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