An AMAZING night!!
11:27 p.m. -- 2008-12-06

Last Sunday I had the most amazing night ever. I finally got to meet Lars after wanting to for ssooo long. It was so awesome. I was so nervous. We met in a hotel room in the Dalles. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. I didn't loosen up around him for almost two hours. We sat on the couch talking and holding hands. His hands are so big. He has the most adorable smile. And his eyes are gorgeous. His whole face lights up when he smiles. I waited for that moment forever it seems like. He got up to get me a drink and I got up too and took my coat off finally and we stood there hugging. It's almost impossible to hug him cause he's so fricken tall. He put his hands under my shirt and rubbed my back. For having such big hands he is so gentle. We both got undressed and laid on his bed and just rubbed each other. Then we finally kissed and when we were done kissing he said "that was really nice" He rubbed me the entire time we were together. We messed around for awhile and decided to have sex. He got up and got a rubber and had trouble getting it on. Then he was having trouble staying hard. I had my head on his chest and his heart was beating so fast. lol. I asked him what was wrong and he said he was scared. So I asked him if he was sure he wanted to and he said yes. When we finally did do it, it was so awesome. I was on top of him. The rubber came off though the first time. After that we laid there holding each other for like two hours. He rubbed my back and arms and at one point I was laying on my stomach looking at him and he brushed the hair out of my face and started rubbing my cheek. It was so awesome. He laid behind me for awhile holding me and rubbing me. We talked so much. Then I decided I was ready to get dressed and go and he's like "wanna do it again" I debated and I said "anyway I want to?" and he's like "yup" but I decided to be on top again. This time it lasted a little longer and when he came he totally shook like he was freezing or something. It was awesome. I know that for him it was probably just sex, but to me it actually meant something. I've wanted to know for so long what he's like in person and I finally know. He is so amazing. I've never met a guy that is so gentle and caring and loves to cuddle that much. He is so awesome. It was such an awesome night and I don't regret it at all.

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