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2007-09-13 - 5:21 p.m.

Gravity is nowhere to be found, I haven't planted my feet on anything solid for months now, I reach out and touch the stars and it's always where I wanted to be but inevitably I have reached the unknown and don't know how to travel through the distant galaxies. What am I waiting for? Particles are falling on me and I don't know where they are falling from. I can feel something inside me I don't know what it is though, I can't tell if it's making me whole or ripping me apart, I just want to find the star that will lead me home. This endless desert keeps me whole and is worth dying for. For a second of your life, tell me thats it's true, your heart hides a secret, something more than this, offer me the one, make believe impossible, nothing as it seems. I'm going hungry. I want to have the same last dream again, the one where I come alive, my eyes open up, my dearest friends you will be fine, open up here I am. Remember, every single tree leads the sky.



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