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23:07 - May 02, 2010
Opening UP for Diaryland Members
Hello to all,

I am Aspen Kitten. I have a lot of fears. I spend my Diary writing letters to God about needing a job.

I have been an unemployed attorney since November 30, 2009.

I have never had a permanent job ever since I graduated from law school. I have been struggling for about NINE years now.

I got really sick during law school and had to go on chemotherapy. Now I have to take a lot of medecine just to feel normal.

So, basically, I write letters to God in my Diary.

I am now reaching out to make friends here at Diaryland.

I love Diaryland.

Please be kind and I will too....I think that people ultimately do want to be kind and loving but fears and wants and jealousy and rejection all get in the way.

Love, Aspen Kitten

0 comments so far


22:34 - May 02, 2010
Letters to God
Dear God,

I am looking for a job, Lord. I continue to feel afraid. However, I now believe, that you will care for me and I can also care for myself with you in my corner as my Father.

Give me wisdom as to what jobs to choose, Lord, show me the job I need.

In Christ name, Amen


21:26 - April 25, 2010
Dearest God,

I love you Lord and confess my ongoing sins of Fear of Rejection in personal relationships, Fear of Rejection by potential employers, Fear of Failing at jobs once I am hired and ongoing Angry outbursts that I often do not understand, however I do know that under this anger is often also FEAR. I also covet THINGS of this world instead of heavenly rewards. And, I am sexually drawn to men who only want me for sex and do not have a relationship with you.

Dear God, please remove these feelings of this world from me, remove my desire for ungodly men, and remove my fears and create a strong, wise, loving heart within me Lord. If it be your Will, show me the types of jobs I should apply for Lord, I need to live until I get to Heaven, and I know you know this Lord as you know me and my greatest fears and desires more than I do.

Help me Lord, remove my fears, remove my unhealthy sexual desires, and allow your love to remain constant within me and show me what you want me to do now for work Lord. Remove the anger from me or show me what I must do, what action I must take to feel your Love.

In Christ name,



06:52 - April 02, 2010
Explanations of Cat Actions
Here is my very first Paw Print...every day, I leave a paw print everywhere I go. And, I can sometimes swish my tail, known in Aspen Lingo, as a Tail Swish, so that people will really sit up and take notice. And, sometimes, I can get really upset, really mad...I do not like this about myself, but I often cannot control it....well then, when this happens, I call that a WHISKER FLICK! It may seem subtle to a non-cat person, but, when a cat opens his mouth and sees a bird, she will Flick her Tail, Flick her Whiskers, and even YOWL too.

So, I am working on entitling my Diary with Cat Behavioral Actions....

so, here I am trying now to enter my STATS TRACKER....


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