Wind, Sand And Stars

2004-02-12 - 4:27 p.m.

Wow! It's been a while. I've been posting a bit at my old LJ, but I tend to get too wrapped up in other people's community boards there. I like watching some of the religious debates, but there are a handful of people in each community who usually end up running the show, slowly driving away anyone with a dissenting opinion until each board only reflects one particular viewpoint. I guess that's the way of the internet - if these people could get along and discuss matters intelligently, openly, enthusiastically and from a place of curiosity, eagneress to learn and understanding, they wouldn't spend so much time on the 'net in the first place. I think I prefer this quiet little corner of the web to unload some thoughts, work them out, play around with them, etc. to a place where I have to defend every thought I have or subject myself to being called a heretic or a loser for not parroting someone else's ideas.

I grow happier and happier the farther I get away from Catholicism. Truly. I still have some issues and experience some confusion and sense of loss, but I see what the 'other side' has to offer in the way of a real relationship with Christ and I am filled with great hope and a true sense of joy.

The writing is going well, too! That's the amazing part - as all these other things fall into place, the writing is beginning to flow naturally and it's fun again, which is a definite indication that I must be on the right track.

So - Valentine's Day this weekend, and my husband's birthday. Made reservations for tomorrow night for his b-day, and we'll do something quieter on Valentine's Day. This way we avoid waiting for tables, or making reservations but being rushed through dinner so they can get the next party in. We'll have a nice, long, relaxed dinner tomorrow and then we'll go for a beer and a chat and maybe coffee afterwards on Saturday. Much better.

My son just sent his first bouquet of flowers to his first girlfriend - awwwww!! He's too cute.

Well, dinner calls, and I have to get some more laundry done - what an exciting life I lead, eh?

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