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5:22 p.m. - 2006-01-12
&I love you Goomba.
Dear Mike F. Robles,

The very last time we talked was the month of August in 2005, and the next thing I went disappeared then in the next 6 months of waiting for you and with my heart tore up in pieces all over again...I just died, my love. Everything around me without you is now dead. You never came back.

I've deleted all of my email accounts, and site accounts. I am leaving this internet world, I am saying goodbye.

There's no hope for me to be happy but to work, and to serve the Man upstair in heavens. My life is no longer mine or anyone's but God's.

You've taught me how to be strong and how to live. Your love has given me so much strength and I decided to move on without you and I guess that you knew I'd be living without you.

Baby, thank you for everything, thank you so much for loving me. I will never forget you, and my promises to you will be kept as God is my witness (Yes, I'm never going to marry someone else even though it may be hard to believe but God knows and I know myself). I will always think of you and love you for a lifetime.

much love,



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