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2009-07-12 - 11:53 a.m.

I'm not sure I understand the concept of "losing your cell phone in your purse." I hear people saying it all the time, that they missed a call because they couldn't find their phone in their purse. There's even a Harris Bank commercial with a woman who loses her phone in her purse and, oh thank goodness, there's a billboard telling her it's in the outside pocket. I feel like, if you're carrying around a purse that's so cavernous and has no pockets for things like pens, cell phones, etc. then you're an inefficient, disorganized moron.

What's really hilarious is this: as I finished typing that paragraph, a commercial for THIS came on the TV.

Facebook has gotten kind of boring, lately. Yesterday I went through my friends list and actually un-friended some people. I feel like such a rebel. Honestly, though, there are just some people who I feel like I don't need to be friends with on Facebook. If I wouldn't be friends with them outside of work, then why should I pretend to be friends with them online?

I have things I need to do today, like going to Costco and entering stuff into Quicken. I was considering doing something crafty, too, but I think I've opted for another mimosa and laziness on the couch in my pajamas with a book. I think it's my workweek dread that keeps me from doing anything productive on Sundays. I can't shake the feeling that the weekend is over, so I almost always spend Sundays doing absolutely nothing. When people try to make me do things on Sundays, I get really edgy and crabby. So mimosa and pajamas, it is.

Celeste -- Doesn't know where she's working, tomorrow.

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