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Saturday, Aug. 07, 2004 - 3:14 pm

I was really bored and just went through all my old entries.

I have really changed. I've grown...mentally, at least.

I don't know if you can tell...but I'm a lot different than I was almost 2 years ago when I started this thing. But a lot the same. Do I make sense?

Naah, I never do...

I'm not suddenly a poised adult, I'm still an absent-minded, sometimes hyper, confusing kid. Just 2 years older, and a tad bit wiser. At least I hope.

I'm not going to start writing here again, sorry guys.

I just didn't like the entry I stopped on.......I'm not only a cliche emo kid!

I deleted it already, so don't even think about looking back!!!!! :)

My gold membership is officially up.

I might write in here every so often, when I'm really bored. But don't wait for me.

And if there is anyone actually reading this long overdue entry, thanks.

For caring.

But if your not, then, congrats...geez, there must be SOME people with lives SOMEWHERE....


And sorry for being an emotional mess.

It's all cleared up now, in case you were wondering.

With me, at least.

And I promise that this time.

Later, kiddies.



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