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Monday, Feb. 23, 2004

12:14 a.m.

almost one when I actually start typing this thing up. Yay showers.

Um, news. Let's see. I bombed that Algorithms test, I cleaned up on the Discrete test, I have a databases test tuesday and a java test wednesday, and probably some more tests later after that.

Fiddling is going pretty well--my bowing needs more work, but my banjo has picked up considerably (I'll wager you can guess which one I'm spending more time practicing). The teacher is getting increasingly difficult to stand, though--she's a former elementary teacher, and it is showing more often than not.

Some time ago (almost two weeks, I think) I received an email from an unknown person requesting that I update this thing, which indeed prompted the previous update. In addition to said update I also emailed this person, asking the sort of questions one might ask if one received an email from a relatively unknown person (e.g. do I know you, if not how'd you find me, why me, why do blue lines frame the bottom of objects the have high contrast with their backgrounds when I wear my glasses--well, maybe not that one, since I know the answer already). I have not yet received a response, which makes me a little displeased. Eeeeh.

I finished House of Chains today, after rereading the previous three book sin the series this week. This means I've read approximately four thousand pages (in standard mass market paperback books) this week, and over two thousand of them were within the last forty eight hours. My fingertips were stained black for a while.

Needless to say, my social life (what little I possess) suffered almost to teh point of extinction. This did not worry me.

I'm all out of things to read, though. Maybe I'll perster someone to loan me a book or two until the next book in the series comes out (April 27th, according to Amazon. It's probably already out in the UK and such.) or something.

That's about it for now. Send email my way, all of you.

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