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3:07 p.m. - Friday, Nov. 25, 2016
The Circle of Internet Diaries.
The bitch is back.
My first virtual diary was hosted on Diaryland; what's old is new again. Life has become a bit more complex since then, but I am not sure it had to. All I have ever wanted for my little corner of the internet is a place to jot down my thoughts. I'm exhausted from wading though the think pieces, #ads, and stunning of pictures of folks pretending they don't know their picture is being taken. I'll leave that for Instagram. This is where I can document my theories, log life events, and just ramble on and on so that I don't need to wake up and text my friends about the weird dreams I just had. That is what this is for.
I contemplated removing my earlier entries, the ones from 2003-2007 - but where's the fun in that? I can no longer be held liable for the content, spelling, grammar, or punctuation in those entries. They mostly contain quotes, song lyrics, what I was wearing that day (spoiler alert: superman hoodie), and I was often smitten with a boy who is not my husband. Read at your own risk. I am no longer concerned with hiding who I am or fitting some perfect mold. I am here to celebrate my life. And the life I'm creating.

Favorite quote today: “Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshiped and fondled like a priceless diamond.” - HST

Wearing: Gray "Nudie's" sweatshirt, dark skinny jeans, warm wool sock, and leftover curls from yesterday's Thanksgiving hair in a low, side ponytail.

What I did today: Went to breakfast with Christina at Yours Truly in Chagrin Falls. I feel so empowered when I hang with her. True girlfriends are a godsend. We did a little window shopping and a little actual shopping. I got a beautiful book and some funky, floral cowgirl boots!



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