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8:22 p.m. - 2006-01-27
Ok it has been over a week since I wrote anything in this...I have been sick and am finally feeling better..Finally
Well my first week of weight watchers went pretty good...I got weighed in on tuesday and lost 3 pounds yeah...but last night and today I have eaten bad...oopps.I forgive myself though ..I won't make myself feel bad about it...
I bought some dvds called walking off the pounds they were recommended to me...So lets hope I take the plastic off those bad boys and actually put them in the dvd player..
Work was work today as usual...haircut after haircut...askin people where they are from or what they do or where they are from....been saying the same flippin thing for the last 13 years...BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...
I need a vacation..
or a pill that will put me on a vacation...Jk
Maybe tommorow I will see if I can go the whole day without asking one person any of those fine questions...make them think I am the quite one..
So that is my thing for tommorow...I will be the silent hairdresser and see how that works...



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