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2003-12-25 - 6:52 p.m.

Merry Christmas! My Christmas entry from last year is pretty similar to This year's entry in my other diary. I think I was a bit more successful in that endeavor this year, though! Praise God for that!

I am astounded at the changes and growth I've gone through in the past year. In comparison, I had no clue about anything this time last year.

This time about 5 months ago, I was in a miserable, horrible place spiritually.

I'm so excited about what God is doing in my life and heart! And about the awesome people he's put in my life lately!

As always, I've still got plenty to learn and plenty to work on. But it's exciting to see the changes and growth, anyway!

Again, Merry Christmas, everyone!

previous - next

Merry Christmas - 2003-12-25
Decisions on life and death - 2003-11-24
some verses for you! - 2003-11-10
"I want the heart of Jesus!" - 2003-10-16
cross reference to other diary (ha! an unintentional pun) - 2003-10-12

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