
7:34 am
unneeded expense

yesterday was a mixed day.

i woke up at 7:30 (curses to my body!) and proceeded to work on homework until about 11:30ish. straight.

that's a lot of time.

calculus took me forever. i had to finish some manual calculuation problems that i had not finished on a previous homework assignment. ugh. then i had to do the weekend's homework assignment, which made absolutely NO sense to me, whatsoever.

today, my teacher is sick though. which makes me happy, so that i don't have to deal with the homework until tomorrow, at the very earliest.

then i sort of napped and killed time, until adam called, from work. i told him that i needed to finish reading about 14 pages of dante's inferno, but then he could come over. i told him that i could be done in about 15 minutes. so, he decided to shower and such and took about 45 minutes to get to my house. man. he is such a woman. he takes so long to get ready.

anyway, meanwhile, jess has IMed me, asking me to go to walmart with her. i wish she had gotten ahold of me about 15 minutes earlier, because i would have just told adam to wait awhile, before coming over. oh well.

so, adam and i hung out, and it was nice, because i had finished all of my homework earlier (i was majorly stressing about the work i had to do). i didn't worry about doing homework while i was with him. we hung out for about 5 hours or so.

he feels good.

then, he left. i ate dinner.

i went to dad's to type up some economics stuff. it was lame because alexis said she would call to work on the project after she got done with soccer around 5, but it was like 7, and she still hadn't called. i didn't really want to work on it either, especially considering that the project is now due wednesday. but still. she should have called, instead of avoiding it. so, i finally called and was like, "so, i take it you don't want to work on the project." and she said no, and i was like, "yah, me neither". so it worked out. but it was lame the way she handled it. she should have just called me up and said she didn't want to work on it, instead of not calling and hoping that maybe i would forget about it. blah.

jess left for uop last night. thankfully she stopped by, before she left town. i left a message on her cell phone, but i wasn't really sure if she would get it or want to stop by as she was leaving. but she came over to my dad's house, and it was really great to see her one last time before she left. we laughd about stupid stuff. ah, what are friends for. she will be back in 2 weeks anyway, with the boyfriend, for me to meet. i have to remember to keep that friday(?) open.

i called emily last night, before jess came over, and we had a nice phone conversation. when jess came over, i had to go and said i would call her back. but when i did like 15 minutes later, the phone line was busy. i will have to tell her today that i did try to call back.

this week will be pretty busy. the fashion show is on saturday, and there is a mandatory rehearsal on friday. we also have our stupid economics project presentation. it's not like the project is that hard. it's just something that i would rather not be spending my tim on. my aunts from virginia are also coming on friday, which is awesome. they are going to come to the fashion show. i bought tickets for my dad on friday, and i think they are seated near the shinnamons and the moores. which is sweet. i am happy that my aunts will be there, because it's so lame that my mom won't and that sort of makes up for her not being there.

i almost bought a cell phone this weekend. i went down there with anthony (we were killing time while his car was getting smogged) and i was even filling out the papers and everything and then i asked if it mattered if i was 18 or not. and she said yes, because i wouldn't have enough credit established. blah. so i would have had to take the papers home to have my dad sign. and you know, by the time i got home, enough time had elapsed that i wasn't sure i wanted to or could afford 40 bucks a month. i mean, 40 dollars a month is not a lot of money to someone who makes tens of thousands of dollars per year. but i don't make that much money, at all, obviously.

i just don't understand why i get stuck with the one freaking family out of all of my friends (ALL) who won't let their child have a cell phone. it's ridiculous. my dad says that he can't afford it, because it's an unneeded expense. but that's lame. unneeded expenses are okay if they are for nadine or charles. it's just me. my dad says that we are going to have to be cutting back, because of nadine's paycut and all, and that's fine, i understand that. but then show me that you are cutting back. because right now, i see my family going out to dinner 2 or 3 times during the weekend. i see 1 or 2 movies. i see our living room filled with toy after toy for charles wade. that's crap. basically, it just means that we can't do unneeded expenses for me. i don't think that my dad wants to have to explain 40 dollars a month to nadine.

and i know, i know, i am very lucky. i've said this before. and i know that next year, my family will be having to pay a large sum of money to put me through college. but at the same time, i earned a lot of that money. they don't have to pay 37,000. they have to pay 12,000, if that, because most of that is just going to be paid to me, as personal allowances and such, which i will probably get skimped out on anyway.

i want to ask my dad if he would pay for the phone (or even part of it) as like an advanced birthday present or something. the deal is really good. and come august and beyond, the long distance minutes are awesome. i think it would be so convenient for me. but it takes me awhile to build up the courage to ask him for something like this. i need to be rational.

whatever. i just spent far too much time writing about a cell phone. but it just makes me bitter. it makes me mad that when i have to make a random call, i am always having to borrow someone else's phone. if i call adam from school, there is no way for him to contact me. if i ever got a flat tire or had something happen to me out of town, i would have no way of calling.


anyway, i should really go study for my ap environmental science (another ap test that my teacher is not preparing me for...). i feel like boycotting.


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