ginnister's Diaryland Diary



yes.. i know .. it's been a while since i've updated.

things have been crazy. i think "crazy" is a bit of an understatement. All this back and forth traveling and i'm getting so burnt out. I just want to sit around a stare at the wall and just let it consume me. doing absolutely nothing never felt so good.

i've been really bad with keeping in touch with people and I apologize greatly. I'm just hoping things will start to slow down but i doubt it! I'm off to LA in a few weeks and i have to prepare for the entrance exams, my auditions, and get my cd project finished before i head off. so much to do... so little time!

I received news from an indie record label in nyc who's interested in signing me on. but we'll see... school does start in the fall and we'll see what other opportunities come up as well.

I hope everyone is well. Please, Keep in touch!

1:52 p.m. - 2006-06-27


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