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February 14, 2006 - 12:22 p.m.

Well, now it has been almost another year since I have written in here. I guess since I am not working now I could start to update more regularily and maybe work on a nice layout.
Ahem...Yes, I said I was not working. I am currently on maternity leave. I am 33 weeks pregnant. Our due date is April 2nd. I am still with Andre and this was planned. We are so excited and looking forward to this baby. So is Cassidy. She is almost 7 and growing so tall!
We just moved because I wanted a place that was cozy and convenient to have a baby. We have planned a homebirth and I am soooo excited. Andre is growing on the idea and Cassidy said she is going to be by my side the whole time. My midwife is awesome too. Everything is going great. Oh, and Ivy and Kelli are going to be there too. We have gotten so many books to read with the kids to get them prepared. They are fully understanding of the procedure and excited.
Umm, Ivy is doing well, her and Kelli are going to disneyland in a couple weeks and she has been told to say hi to the characters for me and Cass. Bryson is doing well, he is 20months now and such a crazy, rambunctious little man. Brianna is also pregnant and is 2 weeks ahead of me. It is neat when we go out together because we look alike even our huge bellies. People always comment.
Anyways, should go do some house stuff. Hopefully I will be updating more now that I have more time on my hands.
Chow 4 now. Deidra
Oh, and Happy Valentines Day to you all!!



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