11:45 p.m. 2004-02-19
Okay. Being the overly dramatic angsty teenager that I am, I've tried to find a way to make this make sense:

I am no longer going to be writing in this journal.

For some reason that was hard. Weird.

It's just not the same for some reason, ever since my sister found liveversion and I had to move.

I will be updating my livejournal (http://livejournal.com/users/delusive) and if you want to add me, go ahead and I'll add you right back.

Eventually I will be opening another "serious" journal (I consider this a "serious" journal, as I do write real entries instead of memes/links like my livejournal) but I'm not sure when. But it will happen. I've been writing almost daily since I was 15 and I'm not about to stop now. I'm sure it'll be interesting to read back on my teenage life when I'm old, like 25. Har har.

I know I'm a pain in the ass. Sorry. :(

But anyway, add me to your livejournals or email me or something.



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