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12:51 a.m. - 2010-08-10
what a tangled web we weave
O.K. Get this. I am listening to Coast to Coast A.M. I see out of my window. Outside is an alien light. Every time I peep out the window a wave of tingling passes through my body, feet to head. The radio is still playing only there is a subliminal station playing. I figure out the mechanism playing this subliminal station. And look out my window. Wave of emotion. Now, I float in my apartment. Have I locked my door? I float into the bathroom. There is a shimmering image of myself in the mirror. They are talking about aliens on the radio still. They are making a movie called "Magic Men." It stars George Noory and Art Bell, among others. But I am still trapped in my apartment. I float through some doorway in the side of my apartment connecting me with someone else's apartment. I feel like a stranger, but am filled with joy. I realize I am being trapped by my sister and female cousin. I did not light those candles... I am back in my bedroom but realize I am being trapped. It must be something they are burning. Must be something...

I blow out the candles after sifting through a drawer of dowels. Why are there so many dowels? They are of all sizes, just wooden dowels. Drawers and drawers full of dowels. The drawers are beat up and scratched. I am being trapped...something they are burning. I'll blow out all the candles. One, two, oh no a fire in the fireplace. I look through the embers. Something they are burning is keeping me trapped. I must escape. I go through the doorway to the others' apartment. There is an 8 year old. I commence having sex with her, but she soon shrivels into a small husk. I must come to wake up... and escape where ever I am trapped. It is too much like the movie 'Inception.' I must come to wake up...

I am swimming with my uncle and father in a brightly lit swimming pool. I hear on the radio about learning to swim. I am glad I learned to swim. Breathe when you are out of the water. Don't want to drown.

I am back in my apartment. I must come. I take over masturbating, but a great dog is growling and watching me. I wear wrapping paper on my penis, but cannot come. I'll call whoever I can. I pick up the phone. It's my evil cousin. She says "The teeth are taped. Why are you so confused?" I am sad because I cannot come, cannot escape this trap I am in. I used to have wet dreams all of the time. I wake up. They are talking to Donny Most on Coast to Coast. He is to be in the movie about U.F.O.'s. The movie is called "Magic Men." I think 'Ralph Malph' and laugh. I call my girlfriend to tell her my dream. She tells my she wiped boogers on her wall. LOL


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