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2004-04-13 - 8:02 a.m.

we have been in tennesee for the past couple of weeks, enjoying lovely weather, the woods and the animals, not ot mention getting to spend some quality time with my mom and dad. sebs is growing at an amazing just the past 2 weeks hes decided not only to crwl but to pull himself up on everything, chase cats around the house, say mama and dada and in general to just be an amazing kid. things were getting pretty stressful with Matt, do to some lack of good communication, but thats over and i feel such a sense of relief. its been such a trial for me to "suddenly" be mom, and not brooke. i've been writing to some people i havent heard from in a while ala friendster, and just finished knitting a shawl and a scarf and am now working on a sweater for Sebastian and a scarf for kerry.

talked to whit on the phone yesterday and it was great to hear his voice. he has such a difficult time with things, I hope that i can be of some help to him somehow.

sebs is being a sweetheart right now and is just letting me bounce him with my foot in his bouncy seat.

it has been nice to be home finally though, and to see anna and the boys. i hope we hang out today. i need to go grocery shopping and cook something good for dinner. I was happy to see that my herb seeds turned into sprouts while i was away.

well gotta run



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