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2003-05-11 - 11:34 p.m.


Another week.

Saw X2. It was pretty good. The effects were sweet. Now I'm psyched for Matrix next week. :) Have a team match on Tuesday. The first one. I'm excited to be playing on a team again, so that should be nice. We'll see how it goes. They have me playing #1. Not too sure I deserve that right now, but we'll see. If I can serve I should win. I'm practicing with one of the other singles guys tomorrow, so that will be nice.

Happy Mother's Day. I sent my Mom some nice flowers. She said they were pretty. I'm feeling a little retarded today, in case you couldn't tell by the quality of this entry.

Finally finished the last book in the Dune saga. Quite yummy. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Wish all books could be as good as those are.

Finished with the first season of Farscape, too. Now I'm super-annoyed that they don't have the other seasons bundled together. You have to buy 5 or 6 "volumes" to get a complete season, and each volume is $30-50. That's crap. So I have to wait, it seems.

This is ridiculous...I'm not really in the mood to write, and I have nothing to say today. Just kind of ambivalent. And I have to go to work tomorrow. I'm going to bed...maybe I'll get off my lazy ass and write something during the week this week. Wouldn't that be nice?

"Spend your days here
We'll never give up now."
-Howie Day "Sorry"


Music now: Dispatch, some new Howie shows
Food today: Pizza, lime/soy/teriyaki ground pork with fried rice
Something fun: Looking at houses!


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Ambivalence - 2003-05-11
Santa Fe! - 2003-05-04
Sick again? - 2003-04-29
Hi Hels! - 2003-04-23
Raining??? - 2003-04-21