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2003-03-10 - 1:18 p.m.

All day I've felt as if I've been picking my nose in front of people. I'm pretty sure that I haven't, been , but something deep inside is afraid that, once again, I've let my guard down in public.

That's Monday for you! HA-ha.

I'm getting far too stoked for my own good about my upcoming trip to NYC. I leave thursday. First, I will get drunk with my friends and laugh a lot. Second, I will see all 5 Matthew Barney "Cremaster" films ...IN A FAWKING ROW. My head will explode.

My breath is so bated? baited? bayded? howthfuckdoyouspellthat? it hurts.

at a party this weekend, I talked with this girl who wants to trade french lessons for cello lessons. I am so EXCITED! I've always wanted to play the cello. This is the first step to my being in an all fag avantpost-rock fusion. You know Middle-of-road punk with a soft side. Picture Sonic Youth's "Brother James" meeting the woe of VU's "Pale Blue Eyes", mixed with the hard hitting lyrical moves of "Handsome Devil" by The Smiths. Omigod, It'll never work.

Must read magazines.

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