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03/17/2004 - 10:00 p.m.

I have officially dubbed Kent as my �just when you think� guy.

Short story shorter: I was feeling a bit crappy about not having seen Kent in a while. Posted an entry and � just like magic he called and said he was coming to visit. Errrrr. Um, I�m really hoping he picked up psychic signals from me or something because as far as I know, he doesn�t know this journal is here.

Okay dokay. So he�s due here on the 21st. I�m excited and I�m excited. Although � I do think it�s about time we had a �is there a future here� talk. Hell, it�s been almost two years. Sumtins gotta give. Or does it? I wish someone would tell me the answer to that one because frankly � I don�t know.



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