2006-01-06 - 5:57 p.m.


unbearable wieght.
stepping on the scale this last week has me at everywhere from 146 to 150. i almost cried at the 150.and thus began project 2006.
see i'm one of those people that makes new years resolutions and actually keeps them.
in 2004 i vowed to run a half marathon and get into grad school. check and check. in 2005 i vowed to rebuild my relationship with aaron. check (many times over) and in 2006- well, its going to be a multi resolution year:
project 2006 wil center around my body and mind with some experiences to spice things up.

1. I will be 135 lbs.
specifics: to lose the 10-15 lbs i will run 4 times a week- race another half marathon. i will also start wieght training after my runs and keep an online journal at nike.com to track my progress.
results: i'll look great on my trip to mexico this spring

2. i will get my masters
specifics: i've got 350 internship hours to do and classes too. i will go after this with a vengance.
results: my dream job(anything that pays well and i don't want to slit my throat)

3. i will travel more
specifics: mexico city here i come baby! and i want to head down to the carribean (even for just a few days)once i get my job, and may italy if alicia is still over there come this fall or winter...

- - 2006-01-06
the more i ask the less i know - 2005-11-03
craft vs. art - 2005-10-12
booties and cap - 2005-10-12
50 questions - 2005-10-11



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