karkar82's DiaryLand diary
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8:09 a.m. - 2007-03-04
blah blah blah
Yesterday my sis and I looked all over for bridal shower invites. We ended up finding them after a few hours of looking. They are super cute. I also got my wedding shoes but i can't tell you what they look like because Joe reads my blogs. I went out again with Megan. She's so nice and her baby Emma is just the cutest! Joe doesn't like when I go out with friends. He's convinced that I get hit on by other guys but it's so not true. I finished Harry Potter. Now what? I'm pretty much obsessed with the story and now i have to wait until July for the last book! I've started reading a book i bought a few months back. It's ok.

7:56 p.m. - 2007-02-26
I miss Billy Crystal!!
The academy awards were not as funny as usual. I miss billy Crystal. I was very happy that jennifer hudson won, although i really thought eddie murphy should have one over alan arkin. But whatever. We had our annual awards party and my dad won the pot. See everyone guesses whos gonna win and we each put in $2. Then whoever guesses right the most wins. I won last year. But i must say i found holding baby Nicole way more amusing than the show. Usually I'm all over it but this year it was lacking something. Oh yeah, comedy!

1:31 p.m. - 2007-02-23
my thoughts for the day
Tomorrow is my parents 25th wedding anniversary party and I'm going to be singing a song for them. I'm really excited but nervous too! I haven't sung in front of a large group in a few years. My wedding dj hooked me up with speakers and a microphone so that I sound really good! anyway we'll see! I found a purse today. Finally! Old navy had really cute ones. Now I can fit all my crap in there and I can shut it! Today is actually nice out. It was raining yesterday, but today the sun is out. I'm in denial, I'm wearing a tank top. I'm so ready for warm weather. Oh my god, 3 months and 20 days until my wedding! AHHHH!!!

7:49 p.m. - 2007-02-20
I decided to paint my toes hot pink and everytime i look down i have to take a double take cause i'm so not used to them being painted. I must tell you that i once again struck out on finding the perfect purse. I went to cross roads, tj maxx, and target. no luck! But I did find a cute pair of black high heels for $7! What a deal. I think I mgiht wear them to dinner tomorrow night with Megan. I also get to see Ash and Little Andrew and I can't wait to hold him! Tomorrow's gonna be a good day! I only with I got to see Joe:(

10:46 p.m. - 2007-02-18
the right purse is the perfect accesary
So I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to find the right purse. Niether is my sis for that matter. We searched all through the mall today and found out that bags are in style! They are like beach bags, how is that practical? All I want is a cute purse that's medium in size and that has long enough straps to wrap across my chest. I'm so sick of all my purses sliding off my shoulder so I'm trying something new. But of course my search was cut short because apparently those kinds of purses no longer exsist! But fear not, our pursuit continues tomorrow where hopefully we will suceed!!

6:58 p.m. - 2007-02-16
So I have the best Fiance ever. For Valentines day he not only got me a cd i really wanted and my favorite candy but he also wrote me a love poem! He's the sweetest! I love him soooo much. So we opened our wedding gift. It's our salad plates we registered for. It's so sereal getting wedding gifts in the mail. It's really happening, and soon. Today was ok. I worked from 9-4:30. I did my moms hair which was nice and she took me out to lunch:) Now Joe and I are about to go meet one of my best friends Gabby and her boyfriend David at Mikuni! YEAH!! SUSHI! I could probably eat sushi everyday forever and be soo happy.
p.s did anyone watch the office this past thursday? UGG!! It's getting harder and harder to watch without grinding my teeth. Love the show but sometimes it's too much.

3:42 p.m. - 2007-02-15
My sunny days
So I just have to say that I watched one of my t.v shows and it delt with racism. I was very stressed the whold time because that is a subject that really angers me. How can people so ignorant? It happened in the past because of ignorance, you would think now that we are in the days of i pods and hdtv that we could learn from our past and become civil. I just can't imagine being in that mind and it pisses me off that anyone could think that it's ok to be racist. In any way! On a lighter note...Had a therepy session today. It went pretty good. For those of you not in therepy, you really should be. The day to day stress of life alone is enough to see a therapist about. I'm really learning a lot about myself and learning to deal with unhappy things in my past. Thank god i have a supportive family and fiance. I don't know what i would do without them. No matter how bad my day is, one look and Joe or Dana and I'm fine. they are my sunshine when my days are cloudy. Lately my days have been pretty sunny. Really looking forward to the wedding. We recieved our first wedding gift in the mail yesterday. I know, 4 months early? But I don't care, I want to open it but Joe says we have to wait. He's coming over today to give me a love letter he wrote me for Valentines Day. He's the sweetest!

10:40 a.m. - 2007-02-14
happy heart day
drownding in my thoughts I once again seek refuge in the brillant pages of J.K Rowling. Just finished the 4th book and now on to the 5th!! Today's actually sunny which is amazing. Although looks can be deceiving. I know it's still chilly out there that's why I'm curled up inside today. I'm leaving at 3 to go to Dana's school for there Valentine's Day party. Which makes me wonder if there are any JW in the class?? They don't believe in saints so V-day is off limits! Anyway, have to tell you the cutest story!!! last night was game night and we played this vs that. Girls vs boys of course. So the subject was things in the 70's. Randy said " a drug you snort up your nose" and my Joe Joe said "nasonex" I almost peed my pants. He's so innocent and cute:) Sorry honey i had to mention that it was too cute to pass up!

9:59 a.m. - 2007-02-13
pass port mumbo jumbo
Yesterday i got up and got dressed to go and get my passport stuff and i went to get my picture taken and the guy was so into his job it took every fiber of me not to laugh. So anyway i got the pic and went down to rosville city hall AGAIN to turn it in. But they were not open for passport stuff. I was so frustrated. So i have to go back today AGAIN and do it. I wish i could just mail it. Got to see my love yesterday for a bit. He's says he's feeling better. Tonight is game night i look forward to it all week. Last week we had to cancell due to our whole house being covered with coodies!! But it's on tonight!!

10:23 p.m. - 2007-02-11
the first 10 minutes are always important!
Today i had to get up early, and when i say early I mean 9am. My parents came down from Camino which is up by apple hill to celebrate my moms b-day. We went to red robin which was good! Joe spent the night last night which was nice cause we really haven't seen eachother that much this past week. He wasn't feeling too hot which sucked and I made him take medicine. What's with guys and taking medicine? I always have to make him feel guilty in order for him to take any! I got to take a quick cat nap which was nice. I wasn't planning on it but i was laying on the couch with Joe and i just dozed off. Those are always the best kinds of naps, the unplanned ones. Anyway, i just got done watching desparate housewives and i'm so mad because something happened with our dvr and the first 10 minutes didn't record so i totally missed what was going on with Orson and that was a huge part of the plot! But i'm excited because next week someone dies. DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Ok i'm off to once again enter the world of Harry Potter! Night all

7:08 p.m. - 2007-02-10
mommy has a big mouth!
So i just got finished with dinner and Dana was in rare form! Some of the stuff that she says cracks me up! My sis told her to take smaller bites at dinner because her 2 year old mouth was smaller than ours. So she continues to eat dinner and a little while later she says "mommy has a big mouth!" We started cracking up! She's such a goof. Anyway i finally convinced Joe to take a day off of work. He's been sick, even had a fever and still went to work. I hate that he's like that. So tomorrow he's not going in, thank god.

3:22 p.m. - 2007-02-10
Happy Birthday Mom
Still rainy today. BOO! I had to get up and go to work early today. Then i ran some errands with my sis which was fun. I got a new book called "The perks of being a wallflower". It sounds good. Dana was super cute today(like always). We got her a scuba diver magazine from borders. She loves scuba divers and all the animals that live in the ocean. She was so excited she ran over to the livingroom, layed down on her tummy and looked through it. Like a little grown-up. She's getting so big.I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday. I can't believe it's her birthday again! This year flew by. I remember writing on her last b-day card... "Just think, next birthday it will almost be wedding time!" And now it's here and it's almost wedding time. I guess i should buy shoes!

5:00 p.m. - 2007-02-09
today was grey
today was pretty mundane. Although i did finish the third Harry Potter book! So far I've been able to finish all three in 2 weeks! Even sitting on the couch next to the window still felt dark. I hate these rainy days. My dad called me with up-dated info on our Portugal trip. We are doing 2 tours. One of an old mid-evil town which I think will be cool, and the other another small town where old writers used to live. Still not looking forward to the plane ride but i'll just take some xanax.I wonder what's for dinner? My sis said take-out.HMMM???

9:24 p.m. - 2007-02-08
i hate michael scott
Did anyone see the office? I could barely breathe watching it! I was horrified. But i guess there's always someone to bring down your wedding....

7:21 p.m. - 2007-02-08
let me melt upon your wings.....

I'm so tired of this pain
I'm so tired and it wont go away
Icarus take me on your wing
let me fly through my troubles
please be truthful to me
Help me excape all these liars
these pressures
these unbeleivers
Let me fly to the sun and be at ease
let me fly to the sky and die
let me fly to the sun and be at ease
let me melt upon your wings
My hungry for you, you don't see
a delicate craving for you and me
the more i try and speak i can't breathe
the less i try and love you i can't breathe
Hades take me underground
and feast on my remains
i want to lay on a bed of lava
and release all my pains
make him understand it all
make him know what he made bleed
i want a simple kind of love
one that wont crucify me.

-This was written many years ago......

2:20 p.m. - 2007-02-08
Wedding day blues
So recently I have been reading a lot. I started on the Harry Potter series and i LOVE them! I'm on my 3rd book in 2 weeks. It makes me want to be a witch!I also read "In her shoes" which i liked as well. I never was much of a reader until recently. Don't get me wrong, i used to pick up a book and maybe finsish it. But now i can't wait to pick up my book and enter a different world. It really takes my mind off all the stress in my life. No one tells you how stressful weddings are. I've been planning my wedding for a year and a half now. I'm getting married in June to Joe, whom I love with all my heart! And We are having so much fun planning but to tell you the truth i want it to be done already! So much planning, organizing, MONEY, decisions and all for an 8 hour period. We have most everything done already thank God! But now it's crunch time, 4 months away and all i can think about is i can't wait till the day after. Does that sound horrible? I'm nervous that things will go wrong because i'm not in control of them. I know that sounds awful but i want everything to be perfect. I want to be able to relax and enjoy my day but i know i wont. I think if i had to start over again Joe and I would have a very simple wedding. However I do want to be able to look back on our wedding day and remember all the fun we had. We are having a videographer so we can watch our little movie whenever! Anyways, i know it will be great i just have to learn to sit back and let other people take care of things. I guess that's why they cost so much!

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