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2004-12-26 - 8:46 p.m.

Well its the day after Christmas. Ethan is quite happy to be playing with all his new toys, Andrew and I are just happy that we survived.
This year was the 1st year that I had my own house so what we decided to do or more likely forced to do was get up and go to my moms for Christmas. We arrived around 9:30 visited got some pictures then decided to make breakfast. We had french toast and blue berry muffins. Then after eating we opened our presents. Ethan really made out which kind of made me feel bad that I didn't buy him as much but I knew this would happen is the reason I didnt buy that much. Infact we still have to do gift exchanges with my Aunt and my Grandparents or Ethan's Greats as we call them, this will all take place on Tuesday.
After we did presents Andrew and I brought the plethera of bags filled with toys in and unloaded them while Etahn played then napped. Then we HAD to go back to my mothers for an early dinner around 2:30. It was originally suppose to take place around 2 but of course was pushed back. When we arrived we were told that it would be "a little" longer. Yes indeed it was about 3:15 till we sat down to eat. The bad thing is that we were suppose to visit Andrew's Family that were gathering at his Grandparents in Worthington, OH, at 4:30. And with all the massive amounts of snow that we got travel time which is normaly 45 minutes would be more like an hour 15 minutes to an hour and a half.
I dont think we got home last night till about 10pm which isn't bad but we were constantly on the go.
I hope that next year Christmas is a little more organized. The "plan" is to have Ethan open the presents from Andrew and I on Christmas Eve then take the "Santa Clause" presents to my moms and open them. Eat ONE meal with her then visit Andrew's to have the other meal. Then get home early to snack and play with the new gifts and go to bed.
I guess we will just have to wait a whole 364 days to see how well this plan will be executed. "Good luck, right?"

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