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My current mood is: The current mood of at #

November 20, 2002 - 8:29 p.m.

How I am Feeling today is: tired - as usual

Well, I sorta lost track of the whole diary thing for a while, it's been frantic at work or about 2 months now. Hubby has got a new job, working in another department of the same firm as me :-)

I am thinking about getting a new job, been with them for nearly 4 years now and i'm getting itchy feet ;-)

Hmm, what else has been going on... well we finally got the sitting room decorated, although my parents broke the heater in the process so it is bloody freezing now :-(

Still trying to diet, I have joined ediets and that is going well, although I am too skint to afford the proper meal plans at the moment so we are living on rice and onion pretty much. Never mind, almost payday!

I got bronchitis again, more mind altering steroids - what fun. But i'm almost better now.

My sister got engaged! She is getting married next summer.

Will update more when I got the time.

What I weigh today is: dunno, meant to weigh this morning but forgot
Where I am: At home, freezing my ass off.


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