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2003-05-06 - 9:52 p.m.

Y'know, it's strange. For all these months, I've always heard about DataLounge, and never visited. Mostly because I ended up hearing most of the important stuff that happened there from friends who frequented the site. But also because I heard it took up all your time and it was confusing and full of trolls and frauds etc etc etc.

But now that it (the Prancing Pony, the Domlijah/LOTR section of DataLounge) has mysteriously spontaniously combusted, I just had to check it out. And they were all right. It takes up all your time, you get a hell of a lot of rude people on there, and obvious fraudulent 'insiders' abound.

But it's FUN! Some people are seriously creative, and funny as hell. All the infighting and blatant flaming kinda sucks, but ya just ignore those parts and scroll around.


Something to get off my chest:

With the whole idea of whether they are or whether they're not, sometimes I think we're all delusional ('we're' meaning myself and half the people on that thread). Thinking that they *are* gay, and a couple, that is. But it rings true somehow. I won't go into why, as there are whole websites devoted to that. But if it ever came out for sure one way or the other to my satisfaction, I wouldn't be surprised, in either case. I could fully believe gayness, and fully believe lack of gayness.

And you know what?


I'm fully aware of this, and it embarasses me, the fact that I spend time thinking about the business and more distressingly the sexuality of complete strangers. Damn good-looking complete strangers, indeed, but complete strangers nonetheless.

And lets not even go into the whole fantasising about viewing some sweet domlijah luvvin's bit. How tired, and frankly old. And pathetic. I'm fully aware of this as well.

Ah, guilty pleasures. The saviour of the truly miserable.

Let's just leave it at that, shall we?

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