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Alone Again

prevJan. 12, 2006 - 4:13

Last night Anita said, "Hey, we need to talk about us." Being an idiot, I thought something good was coming. Something like, "I think we should consider ourselves a 'couple'." That is until she said, "I don't...." So, to make a long story short, we broke up...even though we weren't even dating. We were at a place where we were just kind of thinking about what the future might hold for us. She decided she didn't want whatever that was. Stating that we seem to be two people on different paths in our lives right now and that she also can't do long distance relationships, she ended it now. I like how I said, "we broke up" like I had anything to do with it. No, in reality, for the second time in 6 months, I was dumped. For the second time in a week I took someone off speed-dial.

As this year started, I was sad because I pretty much summed up 2005 with one word: loss. Who knew I'd have to start 2006 off the same way? Losing people sucks. I hate being alone. Again.

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