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Monday, Jun. 23, 2003 - 6:08 PM

I am always too busy to update. I'm sorry. So, here I am. I have a new job. I now work for Sony Online. I get paid to play video games. It's a nice job and I have made a few new friends in the process. Adrian won't be coming home this month, even though he's been coming home every month. He feels like he needs to make a few more bucks. Oh, well. I miss him so much and with me working like 12 hour days every day, I hardly even get a chance to call him to say hi. I don't get a chance to do much of anything anymore. No movies, no tv, no nothing. But, whatever. I got paid a heck of a whole lot last Thursday!! And I'm getting an even bigger check come this Thursday. Well, I don't have much else to say right now. So, maybe later I'll type in more.

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