do you wanna wind up in a graveyard...


...just another girl who costarred?
they're gonna wrap you up in cornsilk.
they're gonna cry like you were spilled milk.
-rhett miller

2006-01-202:51 p.m.

Last night I was looking for children's stories online, and one of the first returns was, "Stories for Children with Tragic Endings." I thought to myself, is this real? Aren't there enough tragic endings in real life, that children should not have to read about them before they go to bed? Call me crazy. I had a nice long talk with my cousin from Z. last night. There is an epic in our family. With a family of seven, there are epics within epics. Sometimes I look at my mom and think how frustrating our relationship is. It's based in love, but the communication is always a game, a guilt trip, a compliment loaded with an agenda, or just a flat out lay-you-out backhand. And then I have these talks with family back home. Or hear the latest analysis about "baby boomers" on the radio, and I begin thinking about my mom in a big picture. I think of all that she has seen, had to survive, and learn on her own. I wonder about her thoughts at the end of the day, and when she wakes up. I wonder what keeps her going. The sadness, bitterness of life she has swallowed--and held in. She has held it in so long that she wears it on her sleeve and doesn't know it. In crisis, she cannot decide to push people away or steer them into her harbor. I worry for her. I worry about life without her. She is so beautiful and miserable at the same time. My family, too. Beautiful and miserable. Maybe it's not just my family...that's everyone's family. I see her in my sisters, and I dare not try to look for her in myself. I'm more than certain she is there.

* soundtrack d'jour *
help, beatles
* nostalgia d'jour *
road trips in the sta wag
* wish d'jour *
Gabbie likes her Birthday Present (Harold & the Purple Crayon, complete w/purple crayon pillow and a recorded reading by RR and

bout to give this girl a shout

>>back in the day>>
>>i'm not a kid anymore>>
>>but somedays i sit & wish i was a kid again>>

"i don't want the world, i just want your half..."
-they might be giants

>>>leave your mark on me / [?uestbook]>>>

* me love you long time *
friendster / salgado / kookamonga / john / les / old 97s / pbj time / jerms / tim / christopher / angelien / streets of sf / la filmmakers / open the light / agent cb / squelched / stare / cainer / salon / elisabeth / nerve / tao / rhett / poetic dream / verse / rotten tomatoes / pinay / half / squidlist / sfstation / whitehouse dot org / onion / spark / cl /hyphen / torch / mindtrick /wetzoolamb / blackfire / thirdrail / bindlestiff /

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