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100 Things

The current mood of lotrchica711 at www.imood.com

long time, still no entry.
Written on 04.09.04 -- At 2:57 p.m.

I haven't written an entry in forever, And there is no really writing that shall be done for a very long while. but so you dont give up all together. heres a quiz-y thing I filled out. Its rather boring actually.

What's your name? Elisa

Birthplace:�New Mexico

Age ::: 13

Age you act ::: how should I know?

Current location ::: New Mexico

Eye color ::: brown

Hair color ::: brown

Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: Righty

Zodiac sign? ::: Gemini

Height? ::: 5' 2"


Your heritage/nationality ::: French, German, Czechoslovakian, and Hispanic.

Your hair ::: Short, well not super short, but short. Brown

Your fears ::: A painful death, and dentist appointments.

Your perfect room ::: A comfortable one.

What you do in a day ::: go to school, go home, watch Angel and Btvs, go to bed.

Words you overuse ::: Amusing.

Phrases you overuse ::: I'm not sure.

Your first thought when you wake up ::: I rarely have any real thoughts when I wake up.

Your greatest accomplishment ::: I haven't really accomplished anything amazing as of yet.

Something you want to do ::: I don't really have any major goals or anything.

This or that

Pepsi or Coke ::: Coke

McDonald's or Burger Kings :::�Mcdonalds, they have more variety

Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: Christina Aguilera

Chocolate or vanilla ::: Chocolate

Adidas or Nike ::: Nike

Black or white ::: White

Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: Bills

Burgers or hot dogs ::: Hot Dogs I guess, I don't like burgers at all.

Egypt or France ::: France

Rock or rap :::

Do you...

Smoke? ::: �no

Cuss? ::: rarely

Sing well? ::: I guess...

Sing in the shower? ::: no

Talk to yourself? ::: All the time

Believe in yourself? ::: yes

Like taking these long surveys? ::: I've taken longer.

Play an instrument? ::: flute

Want to go to college? ::: yes

Want to get married? ::: when I really think about it, no

Want to have children? ::: 1 or 2

Think you're a health freak? ::: no

Get along with your parents ::: �most times

Get along with your siblings? ::: rarely

Think you're popular ::: no, But I don't feel the need to BE popular

In the past month have you...

Gone out of state? ::: no

Drank alcohol? ::: nope

Smoke? ::: no

Got high? ::: no

Done any drugs? ::: no

Eaten an entire box of Oreos? ::: I don't like Oreos

Been on stage? ::: no

Gone skinny dipping? ::: no

Been dumped?::: no

Dyed your hair? ::: no

Stolen anything? ::: nope

Your friends! =D

Craziest ::: Lucia

Loudest ::: Katie

Most shy ::: �Stephanie

Blondest ::: Kim

Smartest ::: Gayle

Kindest ::: Jennifer

Best personality ::: Jessica

Most talented :::

Best singer ::: I'm not sure

Most ghetto ::: I'm not sure

Drama Queen ::: �

Pain in the ass ::: a lot of people

The one you just want to strangle to death ::: a lot of people

Funniest ::: Jessica or Amber B.

Best person for advice ::: Stephanie

Dependable :::� Caitlin

Trustworthy ::: Stephanie, Caitlin, or Jennifer

Most likely to end up in jail ::: Bridgett, but only because authority figures have something against her for some reason.

Person you've known the longest ::: Caitlin!

The Last...

Last dream? ::: Rachel stabbed Ethan by a fountain ... which was odd.

Last nightmare? ::: wow, haven't had one of those in a while

Car ride? ::: today

Last time you cried?::: forever ago

Last movie seen? ::: Jersey Girl

Last movie rented? ::: I think it was Coyote Ugly

Last book read? ::: The Sillmarillion

Last word said? ::: away

Last curse word said? ::: I don't remember

Last time you laughed? ::: most likely yesterday

Last phone call? ::: last night, I called my dad to talk about the apprentice.

Last CD played? ::: Once more with feeling - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Last song you listened to? ::: Under your spell

Last annoyance? ::: I don't know

Last IM? ::: I think my cousin Amber

Last weird encounter? ::: ?

Last person you hugged ?::: My mother

Last person you yelled at? ::: I don't know

Last time you wore a skirt? ::: Right now

Last time you've been evil? ::: BEEN evil, well never. ACTED evil, most likely yesterday.

Sarcastic? ::: the last question

Last time you fought with your parents? ::: not in a while

Last time you wished upon a star? ::: I don't wish on stars, I just look at them.

Played Truth or Dare? ::: hmm... Christina's going away party I think

Spent quality time alone? ::: today


Are you talking to someone on AIM? ::: nope

Do you feel lonely?::: �no

Ever TP'd someone's house ::: nope

How about egging someone's house ::: nope

Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: I think that means 'Do you dislike me' so, I'm going to go with no.

Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: First of all, "Ain't" isn't a word. second, no.

Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you?::: why would I want to do that?

What do you think of George Bush? ::: His ideas are discriminatory, and he is possibly the funnest president to make fun of.

Any secret fetishes? ::: no

Do you like to wear chains?::: why would I?

How many languages do you speak? ::: English, (American is NOT a language people!)

Damn. Are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: Why would they be? You must not type a lot.

Glad this is over? :::� I guess

last || next

Last Five:

long time, still no entry. - 04.09.04
Jersey who? - 03.28.04
A fun filled day at the mall? - 03.21.04
Shut up Damnit! - 03.20.04
Spring break! - 03.17.04