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Monday, Mar. 21, 2005 - 2:02 pm

ok its been way too long. that night in my last entry ended up sucking. we got stuck in d.c because the we didnt get to the metro in time and lissa's car was stuck in the garage at her work. i met some guy from sweden and between lissa and her frenchy and me and my swedish man it was hilarious, but i just wanted to go home after last call and we ended up all sleeping at the swedish guys hotel all in the same bed, woke up when the metro reopened and went home.

i'm trying to stop talking to my ex now because he's getting too close, acting like he's my boyfriend, but i have not even an ounce of romantic feelings for him. he also calls me too many times in a day even when i tell him not to. it's to a point where its getting unhealthy and he won't meet other girls no matter how many times i tell him he needs to.

i know its my fault because i knew it would end up this way eventually. this sucks.

i cant think of any thing else going on, job's the same, no boyfriend prospects, it's the same.


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