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9:31 p.m. - 2009-02-04
beginning of my wurm diary
Marienara looked over her town and sighed. It was unfinished. They had just completed the various workshops on the pier, they weren�t even furnished yet, but they were alone. Only two others remained by her side, and they pleaded with her to leave. They were tired of being raided by the enemy, but they didn�t want to leave her behind as all the others had done. Finally she agreed to move with them to the homeland. Looking once more over Oceanview, tending to her orchards one last time, and saying a heart wrenching farewell to her beloved livestock she had worked so hard to care for, she set about gathering her things and loading as much as she could onto the boats they would take. Looking back one more time, and vowing to return someday to complete their work, the three sailed into the unknown. The trip was long and difficult, they lost their rafts, and some of their cargo, but they finally made it to new shores. After sailing for a while, they found a place to put to shore for the night, they would continue their journey on the morrow.
When she awoke the next morning, the others were excited. They had found a wonderful bay in the south that was uninhabited. Securing her small rowboat behind her friend�s Caravel, she climbed aboard, excited to see this place where they would build their new home. When finally they arrived, it was everything they said it would be. There was a small island at the mouth of the bay, pretty and untouched. They chose to build their settlement on the mainland, as it would provide better access to the stone they would need. The first order of business was to prepare the land and find the stone. They decided to build closer to the forest, and leave the wonderful beach alone as much as possible. When everything was ready, they placed their deed to claim the land as their own. This was to be home, and this is how our story begins.
Marienara had just returned to Bad Wolf Cove from a leave of absence, a family emergency had demanded that she leave suddenly and had kept her away for longer then she had liked, but now she was home once more. As she strode into town she admired the beautiful stone buildings, and then noticed that something was not right. Her house and her inn were gone, and the place was deserted. The new town that was beginning to show promise was just as empty as the one she had left behind. Quickly she checked the rest of the settlement. The farms had become overgrown, and no progress had been made on the docks. She sighed, once again she was alone. A short time later, Blaidddwg stopped by, and was ecstatic to see her. They quickly embraced and he told her that he had moved to the island. Suomifinlad was also there, but now that she had returned, he would move back to the town. She learned that all the others had left for the shores of the wild country. Once again, her dearest friends were all that remained with her. The work began anew, she cleared the farm and replanted crops. There was a settlement by a lake over the mountain that wished to dig a tunnel to the bay. She agreed to help, and found a miner willing to do some work. He worked hard, and she took the stone he mined to build walls around her farm, and to make bricks. She met her new neighbor, Norill, and like him at once. Picking up her shovel, she set about digging dirt to fill in a space for her shipyard. Fist helping to expand Norill�s farm, and then beginning to set the forest on the large northern hill in order. It was steep, and she would need to dig out roads to manage it easily. Meanwhile, the tunnel grew. She make bricks and built her shipyard. Suomi and Blaidd, she learned, were gone often. They would make journeys to the wild lands in search of trade. She did what she could to help, but they provided her with much more then she could offer to them, so the continued to work, and watch over the town. Hoping wanderers would pass by and decide to stay.
A few of the houses had occupants now, and she didn�t feel quite so lonely, but there were many days where they would be gone. Marienara continues with her work, and looks forward to the day when she will not be alone.

Want to know what happens? Join us in the story at Wurmonline! Bad Wolf Cove lies in the southwest on the Jenn-Kellon home server.

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