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2004-04-15 - 2:58 p.m.

Not much is really new here. We've been busy but I've got nothing to show for it but a dirty house. The weather is warming up. It's 72 degrees right now and sunny. I opened up all the windows for the first time this year. It's been nice getting fresh air into the house. As soon as I'm done writing this, I'm going to go hang my comforter out on the line. (Unless Katie wakes up from her nap first and squashes any hope of me having 5 minutes to accomplish anything productive.)

We're all getting over colds. Mike first, then Ryan, who promptly gave it to Katie and myself. I think we're all over most of it now but it's difficult to tell since allergy season has started and I'd be sniffling regardless.

We've got tons of parties and weddings coming up so if I don't write, don't think I've fallen off the face of the earth. The next few months are going to be hectic. And since the weather is getting nicer, I hope to spend less time at the computer. It's not healthy for me to sit here as much as I do.

Tomorrow my husband turns 35 years old. I used to think 35 was really old but now that I'm almost 31, I don't think that any more. The thing is, I still feel like I'm 18. My FIL just turned 60 and he said, "You know, it's all still here (pointing to his head.) I still feel young." I hope that's the case when I'm 60. Mike said, "What if half my life is over?" What if it is? None of us know how long we have here. Wouldn't it be nice to think that regardless of how long we have left, the best years are ahead of us? I'll leave you with that thought this afternoon . . . .

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In Honor of Kevin Hearn and his courageous battle with Leukemia