A lot has happened since my last entry. I quit DAS and am going to go to school full time. I couldn't take the mistreatment and favoritism that was going on there. And the fact that David refused to do anything about Larry and I in the same dorm on Mondays just really gets me.

And as for Larry, that jerk-ass and his slut girlfriend have filed a criminal complaint with the police department about a couple of things that I have done. The first thing happened two years ago. We had it resolved but he got mad at me again and is taking advantage of the system. Kellie overheard the two dumb-asses talking about victory being sweet. Well, it may be sweet but it is going to be short lived. Larry even told Kellie that I am going to have to go to court because of him. Now that is inappropriate! I will not tolerate him dragging Kellie into this.

Everything else is going okay. I have my schooling paid for. I am so happy for that!!!!

Katie is going to go to preschool at Richland while I am in classes. Isn't that cool?!

Well, I guess that is enough for now. I will try to update a little more often.

fairy | elf

08-09-04 update - 2004-08-09
Update - 2004-07-22
Ending another chapter - 2004-07-16
Rambling - 2004-05-18
- - 2004-04-25