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Nov. 05, 2004 - 11:15 a.m.

I realize, that by having a diary online, it is not truely private, but rather, quite public. However, I was naive enough to believe the internet was a pretty big place, and the odds of anyone I DIDNT want finding it, were slim. I dont mind friends reading, but quite frankly, I dont want family reading it. I feel like Ive been caught with my pants down, though it is no ones fault but my own.

I have a site tracker so I have a general idea of who is visiting my sites, when, how they got there, what search words they use, how many pages they read, for how long, etc.

I locked the diary yesterday after seeing a familiar local ISP in my tracking list, and I dont know how you did it, computer glitch I can only assume, but the lock didnt work. So Im going to delete this diary entirely and simply make a new one WITHOUT "michelin1977" as the owner name.

Dont feel badly...I can only hope that whomever read it was someone who I wouldnt mind terribly to have read it, but it does alert me to the fact that its truely NOT private, even when locked, so for my privacys sake, I am moving it.

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