there were

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[ ] ........ horny visitors
three in the bed

When's it going to stop, DJ? Cos you're keeping me up all night...

Thursday, Jul. 27, 2006

"There's a lady in Hove who does it from home."

What this lady does is completely unrelated to this diary and my thoughts. But I'm crying with laughter at the sentence heard out of context, through ears that belong to a head with (as M points out) a one track mind. Oh, if they only knew.

And if I only knew. If I only knew why I had assumed this switch. I'm always so happy being sad, and so sad being happy; maybe my discomfort with my current situation indicates having found where I belong, it follows a crazy sort of logic. And today when I thought about going back to my old ways (after I return from Australia), could have been a realisation or an indication of insanity. Is it hope or desperation?

I was thinking about my CV - it needs updating before I leave for Australia in three months time. Jobs I've done. I can't list them all. Sales assistant. Supervisor. Licensee. Prostitute. Payroll officer. Healthcare Assistant.

Did you catch the odd one out? Is it me?

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All content � Jess Digby





Jess. Twenty, young, free, and single.

Got a little lost out there - but it's okay because I found myself in your bed...