











Monday, Feb. 08, 2010...11:11 am

dear diary

this is still here, huh?

feeling , sitting , being

Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007...2:47 pm

The return of Patrick

So in the last week Patrick has walked back, somewhat unwelcomed, into my life through that fantastic all round stalking medium which is facebook... joy.

I cannot be held soley unresponsable for this (which is even more annoying), but when you see someone on facebook you havn't heard a word of for three years and your secretly hoping the're incredibly miserable, curiosty sometimes gets the best of you.

Anyway, somewhat randomly the uni art society gang we both belonged to initated a reunion event which meant we would have to see each other for the first time in three years. He wanted to meet for coffee before hand to 'catch up', which I relunctantly agreed to. Coffee turned out to be one of the most tedious and slightly boring encounters I've had in recent times. We never really had anything in common and he could bore the tits off me at the best of times even when we were together, but in the absence of any feeling for him whatsoever and missing the one thing we used to have in common - i.e. we were sleeping together - it was just pointless.

On the plus side I have no feelings towards him whatsoever. Seriously, nothing. Nothing even the vaguest tingling of past love or even the sharp loathing and pain experienced after the breakup. Absolutly nothing. Before I saw him again I got really nervous and wound up about what I would feel and then all I could think while he was sat opposite me droning on in a slightly patronising manner was "wow, there's really nothing there".

Fortunatly the reunion proper was blessed with other people to keep the conversation interesting and was actually a very pleasent evening in Covent Garden.

feeling , sitting , being

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