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8:47 p.m. 2004-09-19

happy one year

it has been one year since the start of mr-durden. i would like to wish him both a happy birthday and a happy death. i'm pretty sure he will not be written in again. i don't feel i can be me on this anymore.

now a list of the memorable events of this past year. since it just seems fitting. this is no specific order, everything is important, it shapes who i am at this moment.

gabe, best non boyfriend ever
weeding out the undesirables
new york
jobs, all four of the past year
cody, things could have worked out
diesel jeans
par avion
wisdom teeth getting pulled
jeff, nothing happened and that made me sad
my vife, hazhe
school, it still sucks
the boy in humanities
picture taking
discovering edgar degas
rediscovering my love of van gogh
mulholland drive look out
red velvet cake
peach wine (i miss you)
peach tea
doing the robot at a gay club
fancy shoes
my weight
vodka (i love you)
watch getting destroyed (still mad about that one)

you can find me at myspace. as for my online anticts, go to the pictures. that will be what the public will be entitled to see. i hope those that did read this liked it. how am i to know, no one ever left me a note, well, about the diary.

in conclusion, don't live your life wishing it was something else. learn to love it and yourself, if you don't you will never be happy. do what makes you happy and say, "fuck you" to those that don't fit into that.


in the words of jack from fight club: "you met me at a very strange time in my life."

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