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So Tired of This
Monday, Feb. 05, 2007, 4:01 pm

Today...I'm depressed. I'm sad about my life or my life leading up to now actually. I'm feeling like the repressed little sister. The little sister with the big sister that desperately needs the spotlight. Like the little sister who has grown into a big girl dispite being terrorized with everybodys idea of me. My family thinks I'm an asshole and I feel like my family sucks. I'm just so tired of it all. Tired of having to just take take take what everyone throws my way. I'm always the jerk, the irrational one, the one that doesn't know how to deal with anything properly, that doesn't know how to express herself. When actually, the truth is I don't express myself the way THEY expect me to. There is no exception for me when I am me because of them.
I just want to be away from them. If that makes me a jerk then that's what I am.

last - next

Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden

So Tired of This - Monday, Feb. 05, 2007
What A Mess - Sunday, Feb. 04, 2007
- - Saturday, Feb. 03, 2007
Number One - 2007-04-01