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September 14, 2005 - 9:06 p.m.

Hooray! I feel well today ... bit tired but that's it! Nothing major and nothing to stop me looking after my beautiful wee boy all by myself!

We didn't really do too much to be honest. This morning I did some housework and then Sam & I went into town. My aunt had sent money with my Mum for Sam so I decided to get him a nice new winter coat! I found a real bargain and got him a lovely coat with fleecy lining, gloves and a lovely thick hood ... now all I need is some cold weather!

This afternoon I had my 36 week check with the midwife. Here the care is technically shared which means that you see the doc for one appointment and the m/w for the next etc. The midwives work in a team so you don't know who you'll see for an appointment but the idea is that when your baby is born you'll at least know the person delivering it ... technically!

Anyway, the midwife I saw today is lovely, I've seen her quite a bit through this pregnancy and also through my pregnancy with Sam. She's quite scatty in some ways but I really trust her judgement.

Anyway, Piglet's doing well - he/she's now measuring 36 weeks which is a big improvement on 33 weeks last week! Mind you, his/her head's no longer engaged (as I thought!) and my m/w reckons that this may account for the difference in size!

The main thing is that everything's going OK. The heartbeat is now 120-130 so basically getting lower every time! I've no clue what I'm having ... in the beginning I thought girl because the heartbeat was so fast but now I think boy because it's so slow - Sam's was always around the 140 mark or just under!

There was a trace of ketones in my urine but I think that may be due to the fact I had another migraine on Monday/Tuesday and wasn't eating much. My midwife said there was nothing to worry about but she did blood tests anyway (looking back I can't remember if that was why or not!) and I took the opportunity to get my thyroid tested again ... it's supposed to be done every six weeks and I can't remember when I last had it checked!!

After being at the midwife I went to pick up Sam from my friend (who'd kept him for my appointment) and we ended up staying there playing with her children for ages! Sam loves being with older children and the two youngest there are 5 & 6 - Sam loves them!

Kevin had a busy day at work today but was home in good time ... about 6ish! He's out tonight down at the church ... for the past few years he's been responsible for the sound and vision at the church but he's decided to give up - it was getting difficult to juggle both especially if Sam wouldn't settle in creche, it meant that I was never able to get to church. Anyway, tonight he's down at the church with Paul, the bloke that's taking over from him, basically showing him the ropes. It'll be a relief for Kevin to have that job taken away from him although it was nice because we always had a guaranteed seat at the back!!!!!! Still, we do other things for the church so we're keeping our involvement going.

Well, I was planning an early night tonight so I think I'd better toddle off and get to sleep!

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